Weight Loss Support

Weight loss accountability

We offer several levels of service designed to meet you where you are in your journey and keep you accountable to your goals with our Coaching & Counseling Team.

Just getting started?

Consider the Premium Accountability Program with a 4-week nutrition plan will help to identify changes that can be incorporated into your daily responsibilities and help you to begin to see success in two weeks on your journey. Personalized assessment, individualized nutrition approach, personal accountability with a coach to address the mental, movement and motivational aspects of your journey and the development of goals and quantifiable measurements of success.

Have a hard time staying on track with your actions or addressing emotional triggers that sabotage your success?

The Premium Accountability Program offers coaching support to identify, address and replace negative coping mechanisms that keep you from following through for you. Includes personalized assessment, personal accountability and goal setting, education and weight/measurements.

Already on your WAY and finding yourself stuck on a plateau or having difficulty sticking with changes?

The Individual Accountability Program offers a 30-minute meeting that keeps you in reflection of what works, what doesn't and supports the measurements of success and attainable goal setting.

Need a support circle that can identify with your struggles and celebrate your success?

Our Weightloss Group Accountability Program, led by Coach Selina Uglow, LPN, CPT & Counselor, Kaden Anantarow, MA helps to address the mental and motivational aspects of your journey while keeping in sight the positive movement you are making, helping to keep you accountable to your goals. A safe, confidential and nonjudgemental group that meets the first Wednesday of each month and offers quantifiable measurement of success in confidence, group support and strategy development and celebration of personal health journey wins collectively.

Schedule a Consultation

Working with Selina Uglow has made a major difference in my life…in the two short months working with them I have lost 25lbs and gained strength I haven’t had in so very long.


Caring, professionals who customize your workout to meet your needs. Real solutions and real support.

Karen J.

The WAY to Healthy Living is a great experience! Wellness Coach Selina Uglow, offers fun classes that focus on total body fitness. I really appreciate the adaptations that are made for me personally, to accommodate my bad knees and arthritis.


I have been an overweight athlete all my life. I was working out twice a day and watching what I ate, but always struggled to lose weight. I wanted to continue my fitness journey and my mom introduced me to Selina's program. Her workouts were challenging even for a collegiate athlete. She modifies all workouts to fit each member in the class and carefully considers everyone's goals, strengths, and weaknesses. Her accountability program and food recommendations are truly the game changer. I am now 25lbs down, loosing the weight/inches and keeping it off!! No other program, diet, or pill has had this effect!

Rachel O.

I have been blessed to experience the benefits of participating in the programs offered through The Way to Healthy Living. I am learning to make healthier choices, move more and read labels, all while having fun. I have gone from a size 20 to a size 14. My A1c levels, fasting sugars and blood pressure are all down. When I backslide, Selina is there to support me, without judgement, and get me back on track. Selina's enthusiasm and energy are amazing.

Cathleen T.

Not only was I able to get my weight under control, but I was also able to eliminate some of my medications and have dealt with stress a whole lot better.

Pam T.

Since I have started working with Selina, I have gone from a 32 pant size to a 20-22, learned what foods to eat and how to cook them, and how to live and keep a positive life. I never imagined that I would be where I am today. I am a very different person than the girl she met two years ago.

Jodi J.

I needed a movement class that would fit my needs. Selina is knowledgeable and modifies for each of her clients even though they are in a group. Coming to totalbodyfitness, I know I can move without hurting myself.

Carm P.

Everyone’s health journey is different, and needs different approaches, and Selina has offered just that to my husband and I! We have loved working with her and have seem amazing results, not only in our weight but energy levels and mood! This is exactly what we have been needing for a long time!

Mike & Kim S.

Healthy doesn't have to be hard! I am ten pounds down in two months and am learning what works for me so that I can be healthy and maintain my weight going forward! So grateful to Selina for creating The Way to Healthy living. It has changed my life.

Kari F.